Lucas was ready to go at 6:30am. When I mean ready, I mean...fully dressed, minus his shoes.
He waited patiently at the kitchen table and was reading a Ready Freddy book.
Just seeing that made me tear up a little.

He then saw me and said, "Can we take pictures now? I just want to get it over with"
So, that's what I did. Silly Boy.

I just can't get over how much older he looks to me. But to anyone else, he looks the same from Last Year except he grew about 4 inches. 

We had donuts outside for breakfast.

Krispy Kreme was closed when I remembered to get there last night!
So these worked - not as good, but they worked. 

Then we waved to all the kids going to school.

There were even some "Have a great days" shouted!

Then we went to school.  Lucas was eager to hand out the treats.

The girls were being a little ridiculous as Lucas left.
Juliet took this opportunity to steal a few more donuts.

Lucas ran back to get a hug from Mason, and then we were off!

This is Mr. H, the PE teacher. Lucas really loves Mr. H and PE.

This is Lucas's teacher. She is going to be great, I can tell. She already proved to me that she is going to keep Lucas on track since he is ahead of grade level in a few subjects, when at the assessment yesterday she kept him an extra 15 minutes to continue testing him to really figure out how to give him the best year possible. Yay!

 Lucas and Robert are not in the same class. 
Actually, we (the moms) wished they had each other's teachers instead, but it will be okay.
They will see each other plenty, and at least have Sundays!
 This is Lonna. She was in Lucas's class last year and they first thing she said to him was "Lucas! I missed you so much! I saved you a place in line next to me." He blushed and giggled, it was so cute.

Lucas was DYING to get in there! He really couldn't WAIT for lunch. Haha.
He memorized his number to quickly, it was hilarious to me.

"1 0 3 1, its so easy mom 1 boy 3 girls 1 boy. 5 just like us!"

Yes, Lucas, yes.

After School Lucas was so excited to see us (and every other kid too) that the door slammed on his face by a girl in the class and he was FUMING mad on the walk home. "She didn't even see me, I have bright orange hair, you can't miss me!"  He was so serious about it too.

We had Broccoli with dinner and that cheered him right up.
What a fun day!

1 comment:

  1. That's so great when they have a teacher that helps them reach their potential! Andur's was lacking, last year, and so he did, in turn. It was very frustrating. I'm hoping his, this year, is better.
