Lucas vs D.C.

Lucas is the family dishwasher emptier. 
He loves to do it and no one here is complaining that they never get to do it. 
- yet-

I was emptying the drier when I hear screaming in the kitchen.

I look out from the laundry room and yell out to Lucas (who is screaming)
V- What? Why are you screaming? Is screaming fixing the problem?
L- (still screaming) it hurts so bad
V-Stop screaming, I don't even know what happened because all you are doing is screaming
L - I hit my head, It hurts, it hurts
V-Stop yelling! What is the problem? Screaming at the top of your lungs doesn't fix the problem
L - FINE! (He sits down)

I finish emptying the dryer.

L - I'm bleeding! Its in my eyes!

I go into the kitchen and his face looks like a crime scene.

V - Oh my gosh! What happened? Where are you bleeding?
L - On my head! Can't you see it?
V - Where - did you hit your head? 
L- In the kitchen, where I was screaming!
V-No, where on your head is the blood coming from?

Bridget, the voice of reason - If you had come into the kitchen when he started screaming you would have seen the whole thing, Mom!
Scarlett, everyone's cheerleader - Yea, Mom! (with an attitude)
V - Well sometimes you scream for no reason, I don't always need to run to you when you scream.
Scarlett - Yea, Bridget! (with an attitude)
Bridget - Well, you should know the difference. I could just turn you into a bear.
V - (eyeroll) Dumb Brave Reference - Bridget, why don't you keep an eye on the babies so I can take care of Lucas.
Scarlett - Great idea, Mom!

Lucas still gushing everywhere.
I cleaned it up, it didn't look too bad.
So I gave him a bath, Nathan had just arrived home 
(we thought another round of stitches might be needed) and Lucas says...

Dumb Cabinet is just too low! It hit me!

All that blood left him with this...

See it?

What a day!


  1. Gotta love the attitude! I can't believe the cupboard would just come out and hit him like that! Glad it was a little cut and nothing more...even with all that blood.

    By the way, I too am very sad summer is coming to an end. We have 29 short days left to make the best of the days!

  2. Head wounds. Yeesh. Aidan bumped his head in the bathroom at church and bled just as much, and his scar is about as big as Lucas's.
