
Week 2 of recovery was so much worse.  I could barely move, I couldn't really eat, and to top it off, I had an extremely hard time getting things to "pass" through my system.

Scarlett got a chemical burn/rash on her face, and I was at the hospital for several hours (2 separate days) and was pretty much hating my life. We got a call that the hospital called the park that we were at and they had cleaned the equipment in the AM (instead of PM) and it wasn't completely dry when we were playing on it.  Scarlett got the burn from the chemicals that they used. So, so mad.
I was in pain just about every waking minute, from dealing with 5 kids at the doctor/hospital.

Then all the kids got some stomach bug, and then when things started to feel better, I slipped on some ice and was in sheer pain for the next two days. After I could move my left leg, I got the stomach bug. 
For. Three. Days. 
When you don't have any stomach muscles, and can't bend right, it so really hard to be sick. Poor Nathan, he was there right by my side and got it too.

Sunday we were sick as dogs and the kids pretty much had full reign over the house. 
 Monday was a little better, but today I woke up and feel FANTASTIC!

Like a new person.

I am tender still, but am able to move so much more.
I can eat, and function almost 100%.
And, it is snowing!
I think baking cookies is the perfect thing to do on a day like today.

YES! Happy Tuesday!

yep, a very happy tuesday, indeed.

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