A Scary Appointment

Or, it could be titled "A series of FORTUNATE events, part 3"
Or, "The gift that keeps on giving"
*sigh* here we go...

A few months ago, I was losing weight and kicking it to the curb.

I hit the 60 pound mark and found a weird lump by my vertical cesarean scar. (I have 2 horizontals, as well)

It hurt for a few days and then it would be fine. Still rock hard, but not painful.

It started to get worse, right after my 5k and I now had this huge bulge on my left side. Probably the size of a clementine orange.

I called my OB because, she is the only doctor I have had since I got married and she said to go to urgent care.  I waited until it hurt again and then went right into urgent care. They saw it, felt it, and told me to go to the gastrointestinal specialist immediately. They were sure it was an incision hernia.

I called the gastrointestinal specialist but needed a referral. Luckily, my OB is right next door, so she walked over to that office and said "here it is."

I had to wait 2 weeks for the appointment.

Well, my appointment was Monday.

They were confused that I had two c-sections in one year. It was kind of funny because they read it as December, then February. Not reversed. They showed me my file. It was 300+pages. He said reading my last surgery notes was horrifying and, he didn't even witness it!

So, I have a hernia, the issue is now about the size of a softball.  They did a few scans and wanted to see if it was cancerous.  There were a few irregularities, a few dark spots on the intestine wall.  There is a chance I could have cancer.

Insert-total melt down.

He promised me that this surgery wouldn't be as scary as my last one. *wink*

He was worried about what he saw, but didn't want to talk about the "big C" until he knew more. He said that I might have to be on a feeding tube, depending on the number of inches that they remove.

He was not taking any of this lightly and told me he wants to do the surgery right away. He is booked until Christmas Eve, but sent me to the scheduler and she was like "it is weird, an opening just came up next week first thing" I can't even believe how shocked I was.

So, here I am just about to go in. Scared, Nervous, and Praying, that it isn't more.
Hoping that this is nothing more than a patch job.

I am grateful that I had a c-section with Mason. It saved my life, and his, and perhaps, saved my life a second time.

Ever since that appointment, I have had a hard time walking. The mass is even bigger and it hurts to eat.  I believe that this is why they are so emergent in getting this taken care of.

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