On Monday I found a large mass on my abdomen. It was different than the hernia and very hot to the touch. They told me to come in and see what it was. It was a seroma, but the office was closed. So, they told me to come back on Wednesday.  I was in pain all of Monday night, all of Tuesday, and Wednesday I could barely walk.  I went in and they drained it. Its another incision, and it is right where my pants sit. It was totally gross and hurt. I am on a new medication because even though it is drained, I still have a mass. I will have to go in and get it removed in January. When will this end? I am so tired of feeling sucky.

One good thing is that the new medicine, actually makes me feel better.

Here's to a pain free January!


  1. I hope they get it all figured out and you can finally feel better!!! Praying for you!

  2. Oh my goodness, Val! That IS sucky! I'm sorry you have to keep going through this! I hope you can be done when this is finally over with. :)
