December 10th

Should be the stricken from the record. What a horrible horrible day.

It started great!

Lucas had assessments and because I am not really walking, when he was finished he went to the office, they called me and I drove the 145 feet to the school to pick him up. The office manager walked him to the car and everything.

My neighbor suggested that we go to the indoor park together and that she would help me with the kids so I could just sit. So we went.

The kids had a blast! Mason and Juliet especially. Lauryn helped me to the car and then we came home. Lucas helped pick up the babies and bring them in. Again, it was a great day!

Then it was time for lunch. I made a typical lunch. Corn dogs, Tots, and Oranges. Then we load up everyone in the car. Scarlett out of nowhere starts whimpering "my face! my face! It hurts so bad!" So I put a little carmex/vaseline on it because it just looked a little chapped. It was in the 30s outside and Lucas's face used to get chapped all of the time.

I hobble into preschool and she is now SCREAMING, so one of the teachers looks at it and says that it looks like hives or some kind of burn.

She suggests that I take her in.  I am not one to go to the doctor right away, so I take her to Becky's to look at it. Becky agrees it is something not right, so I decide, I am going to go in. Well, they were at lunch. So I gave her benadryl and wait it out. I call Lily's mom to pick up Bridget and she does and the doctors office tells us to come in right away.  It has spread.  I am at the doctors office with 4 kids and I am not feeling well, because of my surgery.  They say it looks like a bizarre case of hives, they say its something they have never seen. The allergist comes and he does a blood draw and thinks its toothpaste because its all over her mouth.

I have to go to Children's now because they decide to admit Scarlett, so I pick up Bridget and now I am in serious pain. I hate the Prairie View office SO much. They are useless. I can't really sit anymore and the kids are just done. I am yelling at Nathan to come because I am just so sore and tired, he is trying to get out as fast as he can.   They want me to write a timeline of her day because this face is just looking worse and worse. She is crying, she has a fever, and the other 4 are tired of just being in a little room. They weren't "horrible" just done. Her lips were swelling and she couldn't even smile. I was just about done sitting there with no answers.

They tell me to keep her on benadryl all night, they say wash all the jams and jellies off her face and bring her back in the morning after the results are done. She cried that it burned all night.

My visiting teacher came to visit and she just happened to bring dinner. It was GREAT timing.


Well, she woke up looks like a rug burn. Slide/Curve shaped. I asked her what happened and she said, maybe I fell? And in my morning texts with Becky she says "who falls like that?" and my response was simple..."a 3 year old"

Seriously people. Seriously.

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