Mason turned ONE!

Zeke, that rascal!

Wow, it has finally happened. I don't have any babies anymore! 

I just can't believe it!

He was not feeling it this morning before church. He usually naps before church, and during church, and after church. Did I mention that this kid loves to sleep?

Here he is, nonetheless.

After church, Juliet helped Nathan make the cake.

Mason loves Chinese food almost as much as Lucas. So we had Beef Noodle Bowls. With Spring Rolls.

 Then it was present time!

 Mason loved his new clothes!

Seriously, he loved them!

Then it was cake time:

 I don't usually like the messy cake pictures, but this is my last kid! I had to do it at least once!

And instead of 1 messy baby, I got 2!

We finished up with baths, and matching jammies.

I will do a proper birthday post later, I have lots on my mind for tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I'll help take your mind off things ;) Can please please PRETTY PLEASE have the recipe for that soup?? THAT LOOKS SOOOOO GOOD!!! Oh, AND - you should do a post about your advent calendars. We have one and I try to do something creative for it, every year, but sometimes I lack that creativity. haha Thinking of you, today. Hope all is well. :)
