A Pocketful of Sunshine

Sometimes when your life is full of trials and stress, like ours has been over the past 18 weeks you feel down and depressed. Sometimes you feel like there will never be light at the end, or that no good things will ever come...your children can change that feeling in just one snap.  Their innocence and brightness can change your mood or feeling in one instant.

This morning that is what happened. Our family had a really - I mean really hard day yesterday -  
and this morning with one of these....
it all didn't seem to matter.  The playfulness of my 14 month old made all of the worry just disappear for one short moment.  It didn't matter what happened yesterday or what might happen today for the short 15 minutes of laughter and silliness the only thing that mattered was that our family was going to be together forever.
How could you not love this face?
I guess as parents its our job to do the worrying so kids can be kids.
I am glad that we were blessed with 3 beautiful babies to keep the laughter going and the love all around us.
Because love is always in this house!


  1. They are adorable kiddos.

    I hope everything gets better soon.

  2. Sorry things are hard right now! Glad you have your beautiful babies to make life brighter!

  3. Oh, Val, that is such a great attitude. I'm glad you have such happiness in your home to take your mind of the stupid reality of life. I'm praying for you guys. Are you looking just in CO or anywhere? That's why we moved to Washington, Colorado seems to be at the bottom of the food chain when it comes to the economy.

  4. Hope things start looking up soon. Glad to see you staying happy and positive. It will all work out just how it should. And kids really are the greatest aren't they?
