
Thursday - my husband, my great husband started his first day at RGI.  It is a great job with great benefits, great hours, great commute and great pay. It is a dream job for our family, but most importantly for him!
This isn't the best picture of him, but he is wearing his new suit, and shirt and tie from GiGi.  We hoped it would be a good luck charm and so far so good! :)  I made him his favorite lunch...2 PB& J's, an apple graham crackers and a Butterfinger. I wrote him a note and put it all in a brown paper bag.  He usually takes last nights leftovers in a grocery bag. Hahaha.

When he came home I made a pork roast with mashed potatoes and stuffing, a Sunday favorite and for dessert I made Ebleskivers! This was my gift from GiGi. I made Orange Ebleskivers with Orange Cream filling and EVERYONE devoured them!
This is for my Grandma.
You put the batter in, then the filling, then more batter.
Turn them with the skewer, and then eat 'em

Then it was time to kick my baby outta the crib, what day was going to work?  Why not tonight?
We let her bounce in it a few more times!
She was totally confused.
then she helped take it apart.
All 3 kids did a big heave ho!
Bridget needed to do it herself...look at her tongue...she is just like Nathan! hahaha.
Time for bed!
My baby is a week shy from 15 months and sleeping through the night in a toddler bed!
2 nights so far and she has been doing great.
The key here is that she can't open the door! Hahaha/

I am proud of Nathan and Scarlett great job you two!


  1. It's actually spelled "Aebleskiver", fyi. ;) And where did you find that recipe? I got a pan for my bday and Matt's made chocolate ones so far, but the orange ones sound ultra yummy...

  2. If you made up the recipe, you should post it on one of your food blogs. Or you could post it, anyway, you know, for me... ;)

  3. I second that. We got one of those pans for Christmas and I haven't ventured to anything more than the "normal" ones. I would love to try your orange ones! :)

  4. So, where/when were you going to post your recipe for the skivers?
