Syn-a-gogue and BumbleBee and Buh-bye

This morning after making a deal with Bridget to sleep on the floor I look over and see this...

I can tell she just snuck in. Then I see Scarlett with her legs all the way up in the crib.

Why were they sleeping so hard?  Well, they danced ALL night at Stephanie's wedding.  We got home at 11:15 and they fell asleep at 11:17.

So we packed the kids up early and went on our day. We decided to go to the Zimmer Children's Museum.
It is the coolest place...that the Jewish Foundation built for kids.
There was a Jewish library full of books in hebrew and they had little things for the kids to make and learn about their culture.
There was an adult exhibit near the library so we looked at that too. This was made from pencils!
On the inside of the kids museum they had a jet you could fly.
The Blue Bagel Cafe where you could order food and learn the Hebrew words to each item.
A building block room where Lucas built a tower with 22 blocks!
This is the Kotel
Every exhibit had one of these which I loved.
They talked about what happens if we litter.
This was EVERYONE's favorite station...
Including Nathan.
Nathan built this channel.  Once he was done every kid came over and was all over we left it.
They had an ambulance and hospital for the kids to play with and an interactive Music Computer Pod.
and a really neat reading thing.  Lucas knows 11 sight words!
Then we walked over to this exhibit.
They had Kosher play food!
There was also a Kosher grocery store and they explained how you know what kosher meant and how to find the label on you foods.
There was even a play synagogue Scarlett thought this was fun.
Then she got to go to the jumping area.
and the kids got to call some Jewish friends.
We were there learning and playing for two hours.
Not as long as church but an appropriate way to spend our Sunday.

 - now to a not so appropriate way to spend Sunday - 

We went to Hollywood!
we met Woody.
The girls were afraid of Batman but Lucas wasn't at all.
Bridget my ham, and of course BUMBLEBEE!!!
The wind kicked up and then we saw this...
Then a Seth Deming Look-A-Like...I mean Indiana Jones taped my shoulder to give us free lunch at LaSalsa!
Okay Arvada...Tell me he looks like him.
The kids had no idea who this was.
They were sad he wasn't "real"
Then we walked into our destination...
the Disney Soda Fountain and Shop!
The kids shared a Cherry Soda with a scoop of Ice Cream.
Scar ate whatever we gave her.
We didn't have time to walk Groman's Chinese we took a quick picture.
We had our lunch at La Salsa and come home for a nap before heading out to PF Chang's
 (the fav chinese restaurant of the Horn fam on the West Coast)
to say goodbye to GiGi!

Oh if you were looking for wedding pics you will have to wait till the end of our trip, I don't want to sandwich her wedding in between the fun!
It will be the last California post!
(plus there is no way I could edit over 250 pictures in 1 day!)

1 comment:

  1. Wow. That all looks like a lot of fun. I bet the kids were wiped out!
