
Some things never change.  When I was pregnant with Lucas many many moons ago, my friend Kathy who was also my VT was pregnant with her 3rd.  She wasn't going to find out what she was having and I secretly hoped it was a boy so Lucas would have an instant friend.  Well, when Larke came out a girl, I was excited but worried that he would not have any friends that were boys.  After about 6 months Lucas became infactuated with Larke, licking her (at 6 months (she was 4 months))  It was cute how he would get excited to see her, his first time saying a friends name was "Laaak" and I was excited for them to be friends.

Well, we would exchange playdates and stuff through the years and Lucas and Larke always played so cute together. Here they are in 2008 
Here is my favorite picture of them...
Lucas had just turned 2 and Larke was almost 2. So cute.

On Sundays -  Lucas is too busy complimenting the girls on their dresses and shoes and even busier with Robert and Brother Pearson (his favorite part of church) that he doesn't get much Larke time in.  Sometimes he tells me how much he misses her at Lunch Group because she is "such a nice girl"

Well Kathy set up a play date for Larke to come over to the house.  Lucas brushed his teeth 2x and was so very excited for her to come over because she isn't "a regular."  They had so much fun playing Fireboy and Hatgirl.  They checked the pipes and played outside and giggled and played for 2 good hours. They also had fun looking for fireants and rolly polies! Lucas wanted her to stay for dinner but I told him that Larke's family would miss her, so he suggested that if he married her she would be in our family forever.  It was funny, I wouldn't mind being linked to Kathy forever! :)
Flash forward almost 2 years!
I am glad that Lucas makes friends so easily and is willing to play anything that the guest wants to play.
I feel so blessed to have great kids!
Thanks Larke for coming over.
You and Lucas make me laugh and I hope you continue to be good friends!


  1. Such cuties! I love how much you appreciate your darling kiddos.

  2. They are quite cute!

  3. Marriage? Sounds exciting. You got some really cute pictures of them together. I would love some red-headed grandchildren. Thanks for having Larke over to play. She loved it and said it was her favorite part of the day.

  4. I love how Larke's expression makes her look JUST like Kathy! Craaaaazy :)
