Christmas 2010 - in parts

Part One:

Someone (who shall remain nameless...ahem Bridget) messed with our alarm clock so when I looked up this morning and saw it was 7:25 I panicked a little because the kids never sleep past 7 and it was Christmas morning! What was their problem? I quickly headed downstairs and checked my email and looked at my computer clock and it was only 6:15. Bummer, I got up for no reason.  -But- 4 minutes later they were up and Bridget yells out "Oh my Josh! I love it! Santa Came!"
Which woke up everyone else, and then it was time to let the festivities begin!!!  Nathan made strudel crumb cake and we took our family picture, here I am ...31 weeks measuring 34. I am a monster! Aaah!
 See I am thrilled to get my picture taken.
 Bridget wanted blowy hair so she sat near the vent.
 Lucas in his ZooKeeper Costume and totally loving his rescue robots. They are the coolest toy I have ever seen!
 I am going to say that the STUPID BUZZ LIGHTYEAR took me 11 minutes to get out of the box.

 Nathan was laughing at me so hard and kept taking pictures of me getting mad. Punk.

The kids were all so excited and grateful for everything they got. They loved everything and called everyone to thank them. Then they played and played and laughed and laughed and then it was time for stockings!!
Bridget screamed "I got my barbie!"
Lucas was so happy "The ramp! The ramp!"
Scarlett ate candy through the wrapper. Haha.

Here is Nathan and Lucas enjoying their HexBugs.
I am made Ham and Funeral Potatoes for dinner with Shallots and Green Beans...mmmm.
It was the best ham I have ever made.

That is it for this part.
I hope everyone had a great Christmas. I sure did, I was so surprised at what Nathan made/bought me that I almost burst into tears. But that is all for tomorrow because I made a lot of stuff for the kids that I am really proud of and I am just as proud of Nathan for what he did for me. :) Until then....

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, right? I think Disney thinks those toys really do come to life. I spent probably 30 minutes getting them out of their boxes, and it was in the dark, while Michael was snoring in bed. And I kept hitting every button on Buzz, trying not to wake everyone in the house up!!
