This week...

we have been progressing on our TO DO's for our Advent Calendar...sorting toys for goodwill, going out for ice cream:
 *Please note* My kids have NEVER been to Dairy Queen!
 So of course experiencing upside downside good was important!
 Scar had M&M, Lucas had Chocolate Cookie Dough and Bridget had Strawberry Cheesequake. I love their mini size...perfect!
 Of course Scarlett topped off Lucas's and mine and was still asking for more. What a piggie!
 Speaking of Piggies...Bridget finished hers in no time.

Then today was Lucas's Christmas Program at Preschool. It was so cute!
 I was in the 3rd row so our pictures were not that great, also - the chick in front of me would flash right before me so it was hard to take a good shot.
 Scarlett was so excited she was shouting Goog Job to Lucas the whole time and Merry Christmas every time she heard it.  Lucas tells me all of the time how happy he is that Robert is in his class.
They are such good buddies.

Its been a fun few days and I am glad we have a few weeks off to veg and relax. Well until the new baby comes anyway. :)


  1. I love that Bridgets pants are backwards in the first picture! Cracked me up! ha ha
