Fog is a disappointment

The kids were eating their breakfast.

They looked out the window.

Lucas immediatley leaves the table and puts his snow gear on.  I don't ask questions, I just watch.

Then he runs to the front door.
Then he yells out. "Dang it! Its just FOG!"
He was so upset that it didn't snow.  We checked the weather channel and it wasn't even supposed to snow.  The kids were so upset.  "Why isn't it snowing yet?"  I told them it won't snow until January. They were so disappointed.  I told them that since it was too cold to play outside we would go to monkey business instead.
This is excitement at 7:36 in the morning.  We then did the advent calendar where the TO DO was to go out and play in the snow. GREAT.  I told them that it was okay we would still go to Monkey Business and after nap we would make a cookie of their choice.  They were so good yesterday at my OB appointment. Where I was 31 weeks measuring 34. Yeah, I know. I am getting huge. I will post pictures of this belly on Christmas.

In other news I am pretty sure we are set on the 2 sets of names and Nathan will get the final say once she is born.  So exciting!

1 comment:

  1. They are sooo cute! I was disappointed when I looked out too, I feel like a little kid:)
