Our Special Date

Last night we were invited to go to Ali's (my old nanny family's daughter) Choir Concert. It was tonight and I thought my older kids would love it. So I took them on a drive to look at the lights, then we went to the concert at Thimmig Elementary where Ali goes to school.

Here are the kids totally into the concert.
It was the perfect amount of time for their first concert and the kids thought it was so neat to be in a real school.  Lucas told me he was sure he was ready for kindergarten. Haha,
Then when it was over they played with Ethan and Ali for awhile and then we headed home for a dinner of their choice. They picked Mac and Cheese and then we watched Rudolph together. Nathan had Scarlett upstairs and home doing homework so we could be together just the 3 of us. It was so much fun.
I can't believe she is in 3rd grade. It is so weird to see other kids grow up before your eyes when you feel like the days with your own kids are sometimes slow. :)

On a side note - the big activity I was talking about the other day went great! It was a huge success and people were so happy and into all that we did. It was nice.

Oh what the heck - on the other side we'll say the left :)  I had posted on the TODDLER blog an idea and got 121 emails asking for the document to do it at home! Wahoo! I am averaging 2300 hits a day! That is awesome!

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