Foggy Friday

Whew what a morning full of frost and fog.  I woke up at 6:15 to a newborn who squeals like a little piglet when she is hungry.  I went down stairs and made a bottle and Bridget came down quietly and asked if she could help me feed Juliet.

I gave her the bottle and she sat there in the semi-lit room with her sister on her lap and just stared at her the whole time.
 After Juliet was finished eating Bridget just sat there admiring her sweet little sister.
 It was such a great little moment.

Then later that morning, I gave everyone their breakfast cookies. (don't worry they are made of wheat and craisins and other healthy junk.
I looked down at my feet and realized Scarlett must have grown a ton over the last few days because she is a GIANT to me now.  Weird.

 Seriously - Best Baby EVER!!!  She is so sweet and pretty and doll-like. :)

We took Bridget to TotSchool and as soon as we get home these two crazies start laughing and playing and are just having a genuinely good time.  They play together SO well.  It gives me hopes that Bridget will be like this next year with Juliet. :)

I just love little moments like this.  I love that our house is filled with love and laughter and if you didn't see on facebook or my other blog yesterday...our house is filled with silliness too---
Its days like this that make me so grateful that I am able to stay at home and raise my kids. That I get to participate in the silliness or help create it. :)  I am also grateful for a husband who is present in the kids lives.  A guy who sacrifices sleep and fun hobbies to go to school fulltime, work a real job, and still have time for me and the beautiful kids he helped create.  I am lucky, and I know this.

I also love that when he thinks I am not looking he enjoys the kid shows or toys or tickle fests just as much as they do...
This post should be called sappy friday huh? hahaha.


  1. You really did get a great husband and kids. I like sappy Fridays ;)

  2. I love sappy fridays too! I think you should post them every week.


  3. I love the picture of Bridgett with the baby. So sweet. :)
