Last Hurrah

For those of you who are lucky enough to live by me (hehe) you have seen my front room be transformed into a toy room, a living room, a dining room, a birthday party room, an empty room, the piano room, a room that hosted 26 people for Thanksgiving, and finally--yes finally it has become the room it shall be forever...well until we move. :)

Nathan built me a foyer/mud room/catch all for shoes for Christmas...HERE

A few days later he on my whim built me an uber organized art/coat/gaming closet...HERE

And this weekend (unrelated to Valentine's Day) he finished this room of mine.

Our couches (new), the ledges HE BUILT, the accent wall painted, and the frame collection (in progress)
I also made curtains to match and you can barely see the rug but we have a rug in here too. When did we get so grown up to have accent pillows and matching rugs in a room?  Seriously I don't feel old enough to have these things. Haha.

I am so glad this HUGE project is finished and with days to spare. I guess its time to have a baby! :)

He also suggested I go to Target all by myself before #4 comes. So I did and it was so nice to pick up a few extra things to make this room nice. I even hit up BRU to return/exchange ALL of the baby gear my kids had---

Goodbye Graco's cutest carseat pattern! : (  I am just glad that I got all new stuff for 25% off! Wahoo!

I love the new pattern (elephants) and my new room!  It was a busy day but totally worth it!

I also need to add that even though we bought this beautiful sectional my kids still prefer to sit on the floor ---
 Oh and this was totally not posed ---
I should have taken more pictures but its just so dark outside...I will take more later. :)


  1. Love it! Its time to come do my house!

  2. I absolutely LOVE it! I do think your front room is completely different every single time I come to visit. I can't wait to see it in person!!!

  3. Love the pictures!! All your rooms look awesome :)
