
As I sit here in my house (yes I got to go home a full 36 hours early) and I relax in the quietness of the house and gurgles of my wee newborn I feel the need to relax and shout out to my parents and friends.

Thursday  my parents FLEW out to Colorado to help with the kids since my inlaws went to Utah.
 (I think my parents would have come anyway because the last time they saw my Witte's was last May.)

Anyway - they surprised my kids at the Butterfly Pavilion a place they had never been to!

Nathan took them there and they all (including the parents) had a fab time.
Of course Lucas was very scientific about the entire experience.
Scarlett just loving everything about Grandma and Grandpa Horn.
Bridget a little scared but still enjoying herself.
From what I hear Lucas was the only one who was willing to touch Rosie the Tarantula.
This does not surprise me in the least.
Nathan caught a few butterflies on his finger...see it?
Seeing my wildest child like this in the sea of pictures doesn't surprise me either. 
They all had so much fun and I got some rest at the hospital.
After the Butterfly Pavillion they went to Rumbi (one of my parents fav places here)

Then Nathan took the kids home for a nap and my parents came to hang with me and Juliet.
After some fun visiting with me my parents went to my house and played with the kids, and read them stories and...PLAYED THE WII

I am so mad I missed that!

While they were having fun - Ryan, Veronica, Noah, Elijah and Sydney came to visit me.
I loved seeing my nephews and niece. 

Then I ate dinner, my parents took the kids to Texas Road House (Lucas's request)
and met up with me back at the hospital to tell me about their day.
 Bridget couldn't contain herself any longer and had to hold her baby sister again!
 Juliet has been asleep most of the time.  I think I have only seen her eyes once in the past 2 days.
 Which is fine.
 I tried to get everyone's picture together but with 4 kids 4 and under you can only do so much! Haha
I love Scarlett above. 
I love Juliet's face in this one. Haha.

After my parents and kids left Tara and Chrystal came over to the hospital for Craft night. :)
We were up just as late as we normally are.
It was nice to sit and visit with friends.

I am so grateful for my parents who came out and are loving on my kids. They really needed some quality grandparent time and earlier when I said that my house was quiet - yea its because my parents took the older 3 to the TOY STORE, to LUNCH and for let me quote this correctly "CRAZY SHENANAGIANS" with my parents. Nathan and I are home with Juliet in the quiet house and my kids are out having a blast. I feel so lucky to have parents like mine, thanks again! :)


  1. She really is a cutie, Val! Congratulations!

  2. I love Bridget's face in the picture where she is holding Juliet : )

    Sounds like if you have a boy next ( I know a while from now : ) his name should end in an s like Lucas, since all the girls end with a t .

    Congrats you guys! : )
