Life with far

We are just about to round out week #1 with 4 kids and I don't know if I should count it because Nathan is still home...but - I have caught the plague so really Nathan has been the one who has had all 4 kids.

I am not "sick" but I have this lame dry cough that will not go away and let me tell you my abs already are sore from the CSection, and my incision is "healing" as much as it can with a hack hack hack every 6 minutes. Not to mention the seal voice I now have because of this lame uncongested "sickness" I am carrying. 
My favorite is when people call to schedule a building in the stake and ask for Valerie Witte and I have to convince them in my seal-man voice that I am in fact Valerie Witte. 
 Just thinking about it makes me laugh again...oh yea that hurts too.

Juliet went in for her 3-4 day check up and even though everyone claims she has jaundice - Dr. Campbell... the best pedi this side of I25 remembers Bridget and how she was orange for a while too.  You see us with olive skin have an orange glow for the first 2 weeks of life - if your Bili score is above an 8.  Its okay though because we know what its supposed to look like but to the unlucky not-olive people its hard to grasp that you could be any other color besides Jaundice Yellow and White.  Besides skin color she is a great baby. Finally eating 2 took longer than my other 3.  We actually have to wake her to feed her because all she wants to do is sleep.  Except for 3pm when she is wide awake and usually grimacing or furrowing her brow at LOUD siblings. My favorite feeding is 5-6AM because its when the whole house is quiet and I can just listen to the sounds of my newborn. Which if you knew me, like really knew me you would know how funny that sentence really is - because I HATE 0-6 weeks.  I am not a newborn person.  Good thing I married one. :)

She woke up like this...
Which leads me to believe that Nathan fed her with his eyes closed. Haha.

While we were setting up the NEW bunk beds...
I caught Scarlett doing something naughty...
Uh yea- she TOTALLY knew she was being naughty.

Other than just hanging around and being lazy I think tomorrow will be the real eye opener on life with 4.
We have TotSchool, Dr. Appt, Lunch, PreSchool then dinner.
I know we can do it - but it will be fun seeing how long it takes.  The true test will be when I can finally drive.

So far, so good.
The kids wanted to put Juliet to bed...
Tomorrow's lesson - Too much of a good thing, isn't a good thing.
(hint: blankets)

*sigh* I love my family. :)


  1. cute! i love your family too

  2. I had one olive skinned baby (like his mom). I got the same kind of comments about him being yellow. The good thing about him having the slightly darker skin is that he can play outside longer in the summer than his brother and sister. :-)

  3. Love those itty bitty wittes. So cute, all of them. WHERE did you get the bunk beds? I think I'll be in the market for one SOON. Verry soon. ;)
