Umm Okay?

*this never happens*

Today we had Ward Conference.

3rd hour Stake President Johnson walks in and stops to look at Rebecca Smith's baby. (She was holding Juliet)
He is in total awe and is looking at her like - good job! When she quickly tells him that the baby is mine.  I tell him she is 11 days old and he said she was so beautiful and I should keep having babies because Juliet was so beautiful.  I am embarrassed but don't say anything because well what do you say?

We have a funny and good lesson and during the lesson he said
"I learned something about this sister...she makes beautiful babies!"
I am BEET RED and just smile and he asked her name and then motioned everyone to look at the baby.
I seriously had no words I was in shock that a guy would say that.

After class the High Council guy that was in the room walked up to me and agreed that she was beautiful and if he weren't in his 70s he would be baby hungry just from looking at her. Again, uh okay thanks.  I can't get out of that room fast enough before more ladies stopped to look at her.  It was flattering and embarrassing at the same time.

We get in the hallway with the other 3 kids and the Stake President looks at my heap of kids and said "Your husband is so lucky to have beautiful children."  Nathan was right behind him and shouts "Oh I know, I know."

It was such a weird day at church.  I was trying to get a good picture of her after church but Lucas insisted he could do it so here are some that he got...

 Which means Bridget had to get in on it too...

 And then Scarlett couldn't be left out...

 And this one could explain it to me...
Umm Okay?

If you were in RS with me today - please tell me you thought it was weird that Pres. Johnson did this...or tell me that he does it all the time. Haha.

1 comment:

  1. Beth Bigelow (from facebook)2/27/11, 9:52 PM

    I was there and didn't think it was weird. She is beautiful. You were red though.
