Things to Think About 6/11

The get-it-done list for June... straight out of the "gentle reminders" section of my 6 years of Martha Stewart Living magazines. Plus my two cents!

  • Open the windows and air out the house. Do this while you can take advantage of breezy days this month, before the hottest summer weather sets in. proper ventilation improves indoor air quality and makes the house more comfortable.
  • Rinse swimwear in cold water after each use. This will extend the life of the suit (especially when you're using a swimming pool, as chlorinated water can cause fabric to fade and lose elasticity). Gently squeeze excess water from the rinsed suit - do not wring- and hang to dry.
  • Brush up on sun care basics. Choose a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15, which blocks out 93 percent of the sun's burning ultraviolet rays. Apply generously thirty minutes before going outside; reapply every two hours (if you are swimming or perspiring, every forty to eighty minutes). If possible, stay out of the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., the hours of the day when UV rays are strongest.
  • Go from room to room, cleaning ceiling fans and light fixtures. Bring a cup to hold loose hardware if you'll have to remove pieces, such as domes. Turn off light fixtures, and stand on a ladder or sturdy chair. Use a soft cloth to apply surface-appropriate cleaners (household cleaner or oil soap for wood blades, glass cleaner for light bulb covers, and so on); dust cool light bulbs with a soft, dry cloth.
  • Organize a tag sale. Clean out your closets, basement, and garage. Sort and price items you no longer need. Choose a weekend to hold the sale, and post signs. (Check local ordinances to see if a permit is required for the sale.) Invite neighbors to join in, as larger inventories attract more customers.
  • Purchase passes. Don't wait till the last minute to buy permits for the beach, the pool, parks, and tennis courts, and remember to inquire about parking. If you plan to take instructional classes, sign up now.
  • Car Care. Have the air-conditioning, cooling system, tires, and brakes of your automobile inspected before any extended road trips. Then vacuum, wash and wax it. Stash extra coolant in the trunk in case the car overheats. When you hit the highway, prevent engine strain - and save gas - by observing the speed limit.
  • Plan your Summer.  Make a top list of things you WANT to get done and things you NEED to get done.  It helps if they are written down and in a high traffic area (like the fridge in my case) so you don't forget to get them done!

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