So - after working on the closet ALL day yesterday my husband made an astonishing observation...

He has 2x as many clothes as me!

I am totally to blame because I hardly buy new clothes for myself unless they are maternity clothes. The only clothes I buy are for the children or my husband because I want my man to look good!

So when Nathan was leaving this morning for work he "casually" mentioned that I go ahead and take some time and purchase some stuff for myself. "It's time" he said. Usually when he says this particular phrase it means something totally different. ie B,S,J. Hahaha.

So online I went and you know what? I am obsessed with like seriously obsessed. It has such great ideas on there for piecing things together. I am not an accessory girl. I hate purses and jewelery and all that jazz but - I am slowly considering wearing shoes other than my trademark "hint of California" flip flops. The ONE problem is that I wear a size 13 shoe and the cute ones are so hard to find - in boat mine. I have very skinny long feet - thank you dad, but I am going to embrace it and press on.

Here is one that I love that was posted by someone else...

I am so excited to pick out and purchase! Love shopping, and my man for noticing this!  Now getting Croup out of my house and shopping online is what I am going to do right now. :D  Can I get a woot woot?

So - goal is to find the look (t-shirt and jeans) which I guess is me? cheaper. and maybe - gasp - enjoy it.


  1. Love this look too! I can't wait to see what YOU piece together.

    Anything with a cardigan is so a sexy librarian sort of way.

  2. I went shopping for myself for the first time in well....I can't remember. I'm guilty of clothing my husband and children and leaving myself with rags. It makes you feel like a whole new woman! Enjoy your shopping!!

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