Weekend Warriors - Bedroom Edition - part 1

Right before Bridget was born, you know when we tried to sell our house I painted our room tan. I hated it, but people couldn't see past the builder white color in there.  Our house didn't sell and I suppose it wasn't supposed to  - aka - not the right time...but I just couldn't see past that color.  So, right before Juliet came I painted our vaulted ceiling room a drastic color. I always feel like if your going to commit to painting - just do it. Don't pick beige be bold. So that is exactly what I did. I painted it Dark Teal. I loooooooved it. But little Juliet came 2 weeks early and nothing was finished after that.

My friend Jess - whom I have never met IRL has been inspiring me to get a move on in the bedroom projects department. I am excited that I will get to see her and the house projects I have "inspired" her to do too next month! (mostly I am excited to get our Nov 07 babies together but that is another story for another day)

So - I woke up and announced my plan to naysayer Nathan who surprised me and said "If we are going to do the room...lets do it!" We always seem to put off our bedrooms don't we? I don't get it since that is where "the magic happens" hahahaha - I HAD TO SAY IT. So we started by putting the bed and everything together, moving and reorganizing all the furniture and then we were interrupted by Lucas asking me this...

"Mom, is it almost time for a baby to come?"
No Lucas why?
"You always paint right before a baby comes"

A burst of laughter comes over me and I had to stop and think about it. He is totally right. But not this time...not yet. :)

Okay back to the rest of the room.  We sanded, primed and painted the bathroom. I had everything purchased but we never had the time to do it! I put together the frames, moved everything around.

Here it is so far...

Juliet was in the jumparoo and loved every minute!

We ripped out the closet - purchased custom closets but didn't like how it looked so we returned them and now it is an utter mess. I am totally channeling my parents who are currently living in their living room while the last reno of the house (their bedroom) is happening.  Our clothes are on a rack in the basement - which means that we get to go down 4 flights of stairs to get dressed, an adventure but it is what it is right now. Our goal is to plow through the closet before our HUGE trip - 12 days from now.

So what did we do? Finished the bedroom, the bathroom(s) toilet and tub area AND sink area...minus the knobs and drawer pulls which we are picking up in Cali!

 I opted to paint a trim on the ceiling. I love it!
So new fixture, new frame around the mirror (Nathan built)
Painted to cabinets.

The toilet area is the green color that is in the bedspread.
The closet will be the gray in the sheet set too.
Luckily I have another bedset that has the same colors in it so when we switch out for the winter nothing has to change.

I clearly have a problem...
What's left?

Nathan's floating shelves, My pretty wall thing I am making, and a few little things and its done.  I didn't show you the dresser wall or the couch wall or the work in progress closet but hopefully I will have it all done by next week! It helps that we get an extra working day next week! :D

I also will have a poll on the curtains...I am thinking about going light blue, brown, or cream.  
Next week, next week.


  1. I love the color! I have always known when I am finally in my OWN home that's the color I want for my bedroom as well! We are renting so we are very limited on what we can do. I love color and pattern so for me these white wall just kill me. But we just moved in 5 weeks ago so I am barely gonna get started in putting the rooms together :)

  2. I LOVE it!!!! I so want to paint and do our bedroom to! Nathan is SO right...it is where the magic happens so it needs to be magical! :) Love it! You are inspiring! You'd be even more inspiring if you'd come to WA and just do it for me! :)
