8/4/21 - 307

 What a boring uneventful day.  I had a blow out appointment.  My hair has gotten so curly as I have gotten "older" so I got a treatment so It would be a little tamer.  I wish I would have trimmed it up.  Oh well.

I got to talk to one of my favorite past YW, who does my hair and she is hilarious and fun.

On my way home there were so many cars at the school and I saw Kristy Wood (the favorite 2nd grade teachers car there) and pulled in to visit for a bit.  I loved working with her when I taught 2nd grade and my kids adore her.  She is one of my teacher BFFs. We laughed, we snooped on the painters, and then I showed her my huge library project which she thought was SO cool. (because it is) hahaha.

I came home and immediately everyone wanted lunch, so we had that, cleaned up a bit and everyone departed to friends houses. (I try to not let them go before lunch time)  Bridget is lost without her friend Claire who is vacationing in San Diego right now.  We lovingly call her my 4th daughter. Lucas went to practice, and then no one could hang out so he was annoyed and bored all day.

Mason had football this evening and loved every second.

Nathan and I went to Costco to check some stuff out which was stupid on my part because from the parking lot to the back of the bakery I was totally winded.  I thought I was fine, but I'm not even a week out of surgery and didn't realize long walks would make me so tired.  I was having some soreness, so we walked slower and then headed to check out.  

On the way home, I got a text from Dana who is Aiden the Eagle Candidate's mom.  She told me we raised over the expected amount for his Eagle Project and my bookshelves will be built soon.  Never underestimate the power of social media.  His fund-drive was only 4 days and we got over $900.  I am so excited.  Our district quoted me $4000 in October and Aiden has gone to businesses and vendors to get donations and help and got the price down.  This is a big project. They will be 7feet tall by 50 feet wide. The entire length of my back wall.  I can't even believe this is a GO!!!

We had mini Meatball Subs and Salad for dinner, and then our RS president came over so we could go visit a new lady in the ward.  She asked me to be her companion because I am her new Ministering Sister and it was the RS President's DIL.  What a fun visit. We were there for 2 hours and laughed and talked.  She reminded me of newly married Valerie but WAY cooler.  We have so many similar interests and hobbies, it was really neat. One thing that killed me was her new calling is YSA embassador.  Kami and her husband are over the YSA's in our ward and she is to try and get them to a YSA branch.  And the weirdest thing is that in Idaho, NO ONE WANTS TO GO TO THE YSA!  What?!?!?  I LOVED the YSA wards.

She said that kids here would rather go to their parent's ward.  I think that would be horrible to be 19-22 and be a Primary teacher and feel invisible.  I would have loved to go with peers and have callings and run a ward without children.  In fact, I did!  I thought about it the whole ride home, and talked with Nathan at length about this, this evening.  Crazy.

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