8/6/21 - 309

 After talking with my BFF Katie D last night, I realized that I had not school shopped at all yet. HAHA

We decided not to buy school clothes this year and wait until the winter so I thought I was good until it hit me that they needed school supplies. Whoops!  The Olympics has really thrown me off, I guess.

Well, I had Lucas be my chauffeur and Juliet and I hit the ground running.  We went to Target, grabbed 90% of what we needed, then went to Walmart for the rest. Then we went to Snake River Landing, but realized it was only 9am, so we drove back to Kohl's which was right by Target. (eyeroll)  They didn't open until 10 either, so I treated the two to Chick-Fil-A while we waited.  We went into Kohl's and they said they couldn't accept my Amazon return, so we walked over to Shoe Carnival to get Juliet new shoes. Then we went to the UPS store to return my stuff, and off to Snake River Landing to check for football gear.  No luck. So back to the house.  It was fun to spend time with the two and get all of that done.  The last person who needs shoes is Bridget, and then I am DONE!

Lucas and Bridget left for Youth Conference at 2:30, and then the younger 3 and Nathan joined me at the school to set a few things up before football.

We dropped off Mason at football, picked up Subway for dinner and then went to James and the Giant Peach the musical at Thunder Ridge.  It was so cute!

We moved seats after the second song so Mason could see better.

Below, is Melanie Hansen, our neighbor and a girl I tutored last year.  Lucas babysits for them often.

Ally (below)

This is the Middlemas clan.  Amberly is my friend, Ally is Scarlett's friend, and Evan (right) is Juliet and Mason's age and friend.  Max is in Kinder and such a hoot.

Hey look! We were there! LOL

It was nice to take the littles out. I used to take Lucas and Bridget to plays all of the time, but with them being gone for the weekend, it was nice to treat SJM to something fun.  I forget that my littles aren't so little anymore. 

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