A lot off the top, a lot off the bottom!

If you remember I have a 30 before 30 list going on, and I am doing pretty good on the list!

It was finally time to do this one...
20.  Donate my ponytail to Locks of Love.

 It was time. I had done a few more things with my hair and then a certain 3 year old formatted the memory stick before I could put them on the computer. oh well. 

So, I went in and there were 3 other girls getting their tails whacked too!
I have 12 friends who donated 10 inches or more this year to locks of love!

 Here it is 19 inches for donation.
When I picked it up, it was still hot!
I guess I generated a lot of heat from that long ponytail!

Before I get to the actual cut, I need to post about something else.
After I had Mason, at my 6 week check up my OB said "I hate to say this but...I'll see you in a year!"
I realized at that point, I needed to make a change in my life.

So many of my friends have been on the get healthy band wagon and have been dropping weight and getting healthier. They are such an inspiration. I decided, that day - I was going to try it too.

My friend Stef is doing a 40 bag purge for lent and I said I was going to join her.
I have purged like crazy, and next on my list was my closet.
I went through my closet and this entire bed is full of clothes...
I have lost 38 pounds since my 6 week post partum check up. (Jan 16th)

That is 4 pant sizes, and over 20 inches all over my body. I even went down a few bra sizes!
I didn't do anything crazy, no silly diets, no pills, no injections, just watching what I eat and exercising - with my kids! I still get to eat cupcakes and aebleskivers, I just care about what and how much goes into my body now. I feel like a grown up! haha.

Because of that - ALL of my clothes are HUGE!
I would like to lose at least 6 more pounds and then maintain my new weight for a year.
If I do this - I will be smaller than I was when I was 21!

Darn, I snuck a peek of my hair, didn't I?
After I came home...I lost 2.8 pounds! In HAIR! hahahaha

Since my hair is really curly in real life, this cut will be perfect on the days I don't dry it!
And - it still fits in a pony tail!

I need a few days to figure it out, but I really like it. 
What do you think?


  1. I was going to say when I saw you the other day how great you look! Now the hair! You gots it goin on!

  2. Amazing! All of it. Your hair is so cute.

  3. You look great! And your hair is super cute! Glad to hear you are doing so great with your goals.

  4. YAYAYAYAY I am so proud of you! I knew you could do it! Keep up the great work!

  5. You are an inspiration! That is fantastic. Go you!!! You look great.. love the hair!

  6. I knew you could do it! The hair is cute, you look so happy. That makes me want to reevaluate a few things in my daily routine. thanks val.

  7. Adorable. You look great. :)

  8. Awesome!!! Love the hair, and the new you! Congrats!!!

  9. Are you experiencing any shock? Last time I cut my hair super short (to me) after it being long I cried! lol, but then I got use to it and Summertime is going to feel so much nicer for you with shorter hair : ) Also, congrats on the weight loss! You look great!

  10. WOW! You look awesome! And I love the 40 bag challenge.

  11. Love it! and way to go on losing that weight!

  12. Love it! and way to go on losing that weight!! You look great!!
