Scarlett is 3

Oh gee, I can't believe she is three!

Our middle child is three. So weird.
Her day started out with the traditional Morning song. 
Juju woke up in a grumpy mood, and then we found out she was stinky. Oops!

After breakfast and our busy day, and after Emma came to visit, we met Nathan at Krispy Kreme. We have never been there as a family before. Scarlett got to have donuts before dinner for her real birthday.

The kids got to pay with their VDay cards from the H's.
 Mason wanted one so badly. Haha.
Juliet was working on her bedroom eyes, and her I don't want to get messy face.
This girl was so happy.
She is such a sweetheart.

We came home for Sloppy Joes (her choice) and played the limbo game she got from Emma.
I usually tape these on their 3rd birthday, but Scarlett was too busy receiving birthday calls from family to be interviewed. Haha. Before bed I asked her the usual questions.
  1. what is your favorite color? blue and pink too.
  2. what is your favorite toy? Puzzles
  3. what is your favorite fruit? apples, red ones.
  4. what is your favorite t.v. show? Ni Hao, Kai Lan
  5. what is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? sandwiches.
  6. what is your favorite outfit? Puppy Shirt and my jeans.
  7. what is your favorite game? Red Rover
  8. what is your favorite snack? Fruit Snacks
  9. what don't you like to eat? Salmon, and nuts, and raisins, and honey (thanks BNL)
  10. what is your favorite animal? Puppies
  11. what are you scared of? spiky fruit and animals
  12. what is your favorite song? I belong to the Church...
  13. what is your favorite book? Rapunzel
  14. who is your best friend? Emma, Emma!
  15. what is your favorite cereal? Marshyellow Treasures
  16. what is your favorite thing to do outside? ride my bike
  17. what is your favorite season? Summer in California
  18. what is your favorite drink? juice box
  19. what is your favorite holiday? Halloween 
  20. what do you like to take to bed with you at night? Dolly and Baby 
  21. what is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Eggs and Salt (hard boiled eggs)
  22. what do you want for dinner on your birthday? Sloppy Joes
  23. what do you want to be when you grow up? Mommy and a Doctor for Mommies
  24. if you had one wish, what would it be? to be a big girl who can drive fast cars
Scarlett is the perfect middle child. She is always sweet and kind and caring. After everyone said Happy Birthday to her she would politely say "thank you."  She is learning so much and is incredibly smart in her own right. She can spell her name and is very interested in reading.  I am so glad she is the girl she is. :)

Happy Birthday, Scarley.


  1. We love Scarlett! So happy you had such a GREAT birthday!
