Spring Break Day1 - Go on a Hike

Do you ever have those days where you crave the outdoor mountain air, the quietness that only nature can give?

I was itching to check something off my 30 before 30 list
28.  Climb a fourteener, or if pregnant, go on a Day Hike with the Family. 

I am not pregnant, but the weather has been too wonky to go on a fourteener.
Hopefully this summer we can do this, for real.

I need to add that I only have 5 things left to do and about 3 to complete.
I hope to complete one more this weekend, but I will save that for another post.

We decided to drive up to Brainard Lake, elevation 10,360.

The views were spectacular. Here are some from the drive up...
 PS - the subaru must be the official car of Colorado. 
We counted over 40 on our trip up and down today! haha.
 This was a reservoir, not the lake.
Man, was it gorgeous!
When we finally go there, the park was closed.
Well, the drive TO the lake was closed.
So, we let the kids stretch out and Nathan scouted the local's to see what they were doing.
Juliet was thrilled to sit in the front.

The ranger said we could hike to the lake, but because of the snow and ice it was stilled closed.
So we pulled out the backpacks, the snugli and a few other items.
Mason, just chilled until we were ready.
Nathan wore Mason, and I wore Juliet.
I seriously need some new clothes. Nothing fits anymore! Guess that's a good thing :)
I wish I knew at this point, that Juliet was not going to like the backpack.
We went up the Sourdough Trail.
The kids were so excited that they knew which signs to follow.
 We saw so many neat things on our hike. Wolf tracks, Moose Tracks, and fallen trees with their roots exposed!
 Then we decided that the walk on the street would be a better choice considering the little people with us. It was a 2 3/4 mile hike up, and 2 3/4 hike down.  Here we are going up...
 This was the last time Juliet was happy in the back pack...this pick was taken by Bridget...it's like she KNEW what was going to happen next.

 Lucas and Bridget LOVED running in the snow banks. It was at this time Nathan and I decided to buy snowshoes for the next hike. They will get good use and be more fun for them next time!

Then Juliet AND I, had a melt down. Juliet was FREAKING out and I got so mad because she was trying to climb out of the backpack. I am 5'10. If she fell out, she would have been hurt, so I took off the back pack and laid it down and was so ticked. Nathan, the great husband/dad he is, walked the rest of the way like this..
 I am not even joking. I was being ridiculous. I should have known she wouldn't like it -
but shoulda, woulda, coulda...
 Then we made it. It was spectacular. Half frozen, and just blue and gorgeous.
 I love these people.
 Nathan taught the kids how to skip rocks, and they loved it because it was right on the ice.
 It made the coolest sounds.
 There were so many neat trees and pine cones, and prints everywhere.
 Juliet, wanted us to let her go swimming. She was dying to get in the water. (see above)
 As we were leaving - Bridget was walking and Nathan noticed something on her pants...
 It was a fishing hook. It was still on the line. Nathan taught them about the sounds and sights and things we see in the nature. The kids ate every minute of it.
 I particularly loved my view. :) (I was a little mad Juliet was happy in the backpack for Nathan)
 Scarlett and I were talking about what we were going to do tomorrow. Nathan snapped a picture. :)
Again, I need new clothes! ick.

On the way down Lucas found these mini frozen puddles.
Of course we stopped at every single one. Until Lucas fell face first into one. Then, he was done. Hahaha.

There were lots of hikers there. It was funny to see people stop and count our crew. These 2 Russians stopped us to see our "beautiful children." She kept asking if they were all ours, and if we had any twins. We laughed and said no. She also asked to not be on my blog. Haha. Just Kidding, the angle was weird.

 There were about 4 people who told us we were brave.
Why? I don't know? It was a little weird. 
What is brave about taking your own children out on a hike?
Is it the number? Is it the task at hand?
Some things I will never understand.
 Lucas snatched Nathan's hat. :)
Then, Juliet freaked out again, so, Nathan put her on his shoulders.
What a great dad.
 I had Mr. Mason to snuggle with on the way down. Can you see those red eyebrows? *Swoon*
 We eventually made it down, and took a picture by the maps. We did it!
 In Nederland, on the way back to Boulder - we saw this steam engine that was built in Colorado and used on the Panama Canal. How awesome!
 We drove by Boulder Falls.
We thought it would be fun to show the kids.
 Except it was closed. I should have known - I mean...It's ONLY March. This spring weather is so deceiving. :P

It reminded us about the last time we went to Boulder falls.  July 2006.
Lucas was 2 weeks old.

 So, we ate lunch there and then headed into Boulder.
 Mason was pointing to a bird. :)

We had Illegal Pete's for a snack. Mmmm.

What a fun day!
It made me really slow down and think about how beautiful Colorado is, and how lucky we are to have these 5 great kids to "show them the world" - one hike at a time.


  1. looks like a blast. you always do so much.
    i think people get overwhelmed thinking about your situation. its not that you can't handle it, but that they know they never could.

  2. I think it has to do with their ages. 5 kids 5 and under is a lot of work, and you do it with such grace. That is what people don't understand.

  3. I think it is great. It looks like you had a great time. It's great hiking. Too bad we don't get to do it very often on account of Aaron's bad knees. They are bad, so he couldn't really carry any kids...at least safely...and my kids would be complaining after a short distance. But it is well worth it when we are able to get out. This actually makes me really want to go out and hike. Too bad it is raining and not lightly...

  4. Oh the joys of the backpack. kayla is the same way with ours. Looking at your pictures I think we might have the same one. Maybe it's the backpack. :) Beautiful pictures. Made me miss Colorado and my Subaru. :)
