Spring Break Day4 - A Suprise

I woke the kids up. I told them to hurry up and put their shoes on. They were so out of it still and putting shoes on over footed jammies is hard to do. I was rushing them and told them to get in the car quick.  They all had a stunned look on their face.
 They asked if they could come in, or if it was like the gas station where I leave them in the car. I told them they could come in - if we could take a quick picture.
 Lucas said, "d-I-ner, dinner? Where are we?" Bridget shouted "A restaurant!" 
I took them to Gunther Toody's
 It was a suprise to them! They never get to eat Breakfast out! AND in their jammies?!? I felt like I had won the cool mom award. My prize was everyone eating ALL of their breakfast. Seriously!

 Lucas ate all of his, and the rest of Juliet's.
 She ate quite a bit. But, he didn't want to waste anything.
 Pascal, I mean Mason, was giving me this puppy dog face for a piece of bacon. :)
After breakfast we drove home and spent the rest of the day watching movies and eating crap.
Popcorn, Rolo's, and we made dessert for Nathan's work party for tomorrow.

It was a great lazy day, and they kept going on and on about their surprise breakfast. :)

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