Spring Break Day3 - Cooking

This day should be called "food appreciation" or "mom appreciation"
I really want my kids to love food, and love making food.
It is important to me that they get as much exposure in the kitchen as possible, and soon they will be in the dinner rotations at home. I want them to know what to do, and like doing it. 

Okay, off soapbox.
This morning we made bread together. This is the recipe I use when the kids "help."
The recipe I normally use makes 4 loaves, and takes some time. This recipe makes one quick wheat loaf and we are good to go. :)

After that, Scarlett drew the Breakfast card.
She picked Toasted Coconut Ebelskivers.
Juliet ate her fair share...
 She even snuck one off Nathan's plate!

After our morning routine it was time for Lucas to make dessert.
I let him pick something and he chose ice cream.
Lucky for us I found these awesome squeeze pops.
They are plastic and have lids and are dishwasher safe! I bought 24 of them for $18
So - Oprah.com has this link on Ice Pops and ratios.
Lucas made a plan and then did the rest on his own.

 Nathan liked it!
Scarlett couldn't eat it fast enough. :)

After nap, Bridget had a chance in the kitchen.
She had drawn the "snack card"

I used to make Granola Bars all the time, but stopped when I had kids. 
This is a great starter recipe: Granola Bars 

Again, Juliet acted as if this was her last meal.
Nathan was about to jump my bones! He loves homemade granola, gorilla bars, anything like that.
He was ready to go out and buy more ingredients so we could eat this stuff all of the time!
I had to break it to him that, this wasn't even my best stuff. Haha.

I love granola too. I have so many recipes from my friends that I still haven't tried.
Ryan O'B...I am making yours this weekend!

I really enjoyed how each kid gave and got their own time with me. There was no fighting or arguing.
They knew when it was their time, no one would bother them.

Even Mason chilled in the seat while we cooked.

I made the most delicious French Onion Soup ever.
It was so deep in flavor and it was healthy.

Lucas also mentioned to his Auntie that being a mom is hard work, there is so much preparation and reading to make sure our food is good and right! It kinda made me feel good that he correlated the two. :)

I love days like this. It makes me feel good to know that how we are raising our children is working for us, and that we are getting the results we want.

1 comment:

  1. agreed. its funny how some parents who homeschool cottle their kids so much they don't know what to do once they got to traditional school. We can still teach our children life without being their only source of education.
