Cali Day Eight - Pool Fun!

Just about every day and every night the kids ask to swim in Grandpa and Grandma's pool.
They have only lost pool time once this entire trip. (Behavior related) What is so funny about that, is I have only had to threaten 1 other time about losing the pool and they have straightened right back up! Wonder Why? hehe.

All of these pictures are from each of the days that the kids went swimming.

This is a 2 person floatie. Hahaha.

The kids loved to jump in and swim around.
The pool is 3ft-9ft and perfect temperature, always.

These little floaties they originally bought for Lucas and Bridget when they were babies.
Now, they all can use them.

Even though we did bring trunks for Mason we didn't bring him in because he isn't quite 4 months old (adjusted) and they want to make sure his ears are okay. So he was either in the jumparoo, or sleeping...

Almost always, he is sucking his thumb. :)
 Mason and Phil in the shade.

Silly Scarlett.

Then we had a delicious dinner, and then it was time to say good bye. We are leaving in the morning.
 Steph and Bridget
 Grandma and Grandpa.
Lucas 5, Bridget 4, Juliet 1, Mason 6 months, Philip 1, Scarlett 3

We had a great time, and will miss them terribly.
We love you!

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