6 months! (almost 4 months)

Mason, Mason, Mason. You are the apple of your fathers eye. 
You love the sounds of the house and often get upset if you aren't right in the middle of the chaos as well.
You are simply sweet and charming with your coos and kicks.

Your hair is for sure going to be red.
You are for sure my smallest baby.
You are the love and joy that melds our little family together.

Everyone, including Juliet, needs to be touching you at all times, and you know what? You prefer that.
You, like you siblings, have a passion for fleece...even in June.

Your smile lights up my world.
Unfortunately, it has been hard to get on the camera. :)

At 6 months (almost 4 months), you can finally roll from belly to back and sometimes back to belly.
They told me you wouldn't be able to do that until you were AT LEAST 8-9 months old.

You are doing great on the curve, heck! the fact that you are even on the curve is AMAZING!
We will be going to the pedi and orthopedic surgeon this Tuesday to decide what to do about your legs.
Please say a quick prayer if you are thinking about it, that they can figure out the best thing to do for his tendons and hamstrings. Other than that, he is doing great!

I think we are going to start solids next week too! Yay! 

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