Flashback Friday: Lucas at 6 months

Lucas was such a fun 6 month old. He would laugh and always stay where I put him.

 Lucas was always such a handsome baby. He constantly sported the rosy cheeks and the fair white skin.
He also had super long eyelashes.
Lucas, a lot like today, was obsessed with food. If I stepped food into the kitchen - he would wail and wail because that meant he wanted to eat. A lot of times, he insisted that he feed himself.
 Which lead to more laundry, but a happy Lucas.
 Lucas loved to munch on whole green beans.
He didn't have any teeth but would suck and gum them to smithereens.
 Lucas's play time consisted of picking up little people and chucking them at the glass sliding door.
They would make a "ding" sound and he would laugh and laugh.
What a boy.
 I read that toothbrushes were good for teething, so I got him one and this is how he played with it.
 Lucas was a great little six month old.
Usually sporting one sock on and one sock off. He invented his own little personal air conditioning system I guess. :)

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