Witte Rehearsal

It was really, really, really hot today.
At one point the car said it was 108, in Colorado! 

We took the kids to REI today before the rehearsal, to "cool off" but they don't have air conditioning in REI.
You read that right. No AC! 
The kids still had a fabulous time.
This was in the car! ICK!
They had these cool swiss army clocks all around the entrance.
The kids were under Mt. McKinley!
The kids enjoyed the climbing wall. Well, looking at it. :)
Juliet by the sleeping bags.
Nathan and I could spend a small fortune in REI. We love all things camping!
They had a backpack demo. The kids enjoyed that.
They told the sales man that the backpacks were JUST like their 72 hour kits at home!
He was so confused. ;)
We played around some more and then we grabbed a map and headed out.
 I love Denver!
 Here we are walking the plank. It was really hot so I got the kids some water.
(I tried to get a good picture of us - really to show off my 64 pound weight loss - 
I will have to actually take some good ones later. )
The kids were such troopers. But then it happened.
Bridget wasn't feeling herself and puked right in the walkway!
I think the heat just got to her. She was miserable.

 Getting a smile out of this girl was so hard after that. She threw up 4 more 
times and was just so sad about it.
 Mason on the other hand was all smiles.
 Here are the girls baskets.
 Here is the ring bearer's pillow. Cindy made it!
 The kids looked over the water but Bridget was still sad.
 Danielle (bride) and Gary her dad.
 We left to get in the cool area, but Bridget just sat. There was a playground, and she just hung out. :(
 She didn't complain, just looked like this. Poor baby girl.

After that, we headed out to La Loma for dinner.
 Bridget fell asleep. :/
(can you tell I need new clothes? Hahaha)
 Liz and Cory!
 Lucas and Erin. They had a great time together. Lucas said his favorite part of the night was giving a toast.
 Which he did! After Bridget woke up, she was back to her sassy self. She even ate dinner and was roaring to go. At La Loma they make tortillas there. The kids liked watching that.

 Groom, Goose, and Bride. 
Juju and her birthday twin! Erin.

 Mace on the floor totally passed out.
 Mason and Liz. They have the same eyes. Well, not in this picture. :)

It was a fun night with great company and food.
The kids were fast asleep before we even left the parking lot!


  1. you look GREAT!

  2. Congrats on the weight loss! You look great.

  3. My Hair looks curly in the last pic... sorry about Sunday, I was sick all morning, fell asleep and woke up right when we needed to leave.
