Flashback Friday: Winter Park Day, Jan 07

So, I am known in my ward to H A T E this one park in our area. I literally despise it. If there is an activity there, we won't go because I don't like it that much. Silly I know, but we all have our things right? right?

Well, a long time ago when we first bought the house this one park was the ONLY one I knew of, so when Ryan and Veronica came over for dinner, we took them there for the little boys to play. It was late January and a nice day - even though the park was covered in snow. They didn't seem to mind.

These pictures make Nathan look like a baby. Haha.

Lucas was 6 months old and Noah was 15 months old.

After the park we cam back to our house to eat and play.
 This was when our Family room was Brown. We had only been in our house 3ish months.
 Noah was so little, and Lucas was so big. You would never know there was 9 months between them.
 We had a lot of fun, and it makes me realize how much we used to hang out.
 With more kids, and more responsibilities, it is so much harder to coordinate family gatherings.

They only live 40 minutes away but we just can't seem to get it together enough to meet up.
Note to self *get act together*

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