Banging in the New Year!

What a difference the YEAR MAKES - my kids look sooooooooooo different!
I love this tradition and this year we scared Fireman Brian across the street because he had just gotten home from the firehouse. Hahaha. Here we are at 7am!
We had Waffles with Martinelli's for breakfast (our tradition), watched the Rose Parade (Horn tradition), and rearranged the house. (pregnant Valerie problem). We toasted this year for health and wealth.
We talked about our new chores for 2011, what was going to happen this year (ie new baby, kindergarten, grandpa's big birthday, kindergarten, dance for Bridget, kindergarten)...can you tell we are excited for school to start? :)
It finally snowed so we went "sledding" and played in the 10 degree weather.
Boy we sure have come a long way from the milk bucket days...
This was December 2007!!! Lucas and Scarlett look SOOOOOOOOOOO much alike!
This is when Uncle Ben was living with us. Its so funny how many houses have been painted since then!
Fun times!
It was fun. Nathan also finished up a few things around the house and then we bought next year's Christmas Tree  for 75% off!!!! Rock on!

We talked about last years goals and how we did...
V - Asian Cooking CHECK, Flowers EEH, Sewing CHECK CHECK CHECK!
N - Daddy Date Nights EEH (no job didn't help), C Sharp LEARNED POWER SHELL INSTEAD, Tracer Repair CHECK
L - To be reverent for the Sunbeam Teacher (dad) CHECK, Not giving angry faces CHECK
B - Potty Trained - CHECK JAN 2010, Remembering to make her bed CHECK
S - Grow Hair - CHECK, Grow Eyebrows CHECK

We then set the goals for the new year....
V - Successful VBAC in Feb, Sell $500 worth of Handmade items, Master Weekly Menu Notebook for the year including weekly prices and recipes. * A whole post on this later!
N - Daddy Date Nights, Finish AAS, Backyard and Front Yards
L - Not get so worked up over little things, Keep up with his Reading
B - Listen and Obey the first time, Learning to write the entire Alphabet
S - Potty Train, Learn to do her chores.
MCJE - to be born healthy, happy, and Bridget's color. Hahaha

Dinner tonight : Greek Lemon Roasted Chicken and S'mores!

I hope 2011 is a great year for us and for you as well!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I can't wait to see your post on the menu's and food! I love your tradition of waffles and martinelli's!!!

  3. Linsdey BD Twin!!! (from facebook)1/1/11, 7:26 PM

    "I think I'm going to add "grow hair and eyebrows" to my new year's resolutions, that way I know I can accomplish something on my list! :) That is way adorable."

  4. Sarah Graf (from facebook)1/1/11, 7:26 PM

    "Happy New Year to you and your beautiful family!! I'm really looking forward to your menu notebook post...totally adding this to my goals for the new year :)"
