Keepin It Real

I am a very organized person. I like things a certain way and because of this my kids are the same way
I have a dirty little secret.  It is literally the worst part of the house.

It is my hall/entry/front closet.  It is my junk drawer in the kitchen kind of closet.
I NEVER open it, and it scares me.
When I host Tot School I have to search through this closet the night before to get everything out so nothing falls out. It is in the main room of my house and serves as the coat closet, the art closet, the shoe closet the game closet, the I don't know where to put it right now closet and it is a TRAGIC MESS and frankly doesn't belong in my house.

I don't know if you know this but I am a nester.
I have got it really really bad this time.
My husband probably gets me pregnant so I got through this stage because he LOVES it when I get rid of or reorganize things. :P

Well, we kept going on our re-do DIY and re did the closet.

Here is everything that was in the closet...
(deep breath, I would NEVER show ANYONE this but it is time)
 Seriously so embarrassing. BUT in all fairness - it has been on my list since 2009! Hahaha.
It hasn't been out of control until Jan of 2010.

So I cleaned it out meaning taking everything out.
Painted it, because let's face it everything looks better painted.
I also put the games in, because that is where they were supposed to go.
Then I emailed Nathan a picture I drew and said "don't be mad, but I want this built tonight."
Don't worry I included lots of X's and O's in the email.
He hit up Lowe's on the way home and went right to work.
I get no complaints from him because he got a table saw and an air compressor gun for Christmas this year.
He needs to break them in right?

So while he was at work in the garage while it was snowing and 12ish degrees outside I was inside working on my mess.

I had a trash bin, a donate bin, and organizer bins for my art supplies.
Bada Bing-Bada Boom
What is even better than this? Nathan used a Laminated Particle Board so the whole thing is wipeable. Meaning those yucky boots covered in muck and mud that get thrown in there...yep can just be wiped off with a towel! I love you Nathan! :)

The best part is that everyone who comes over wants to see the closet and now I can show it to them! WAHOO!

What do you think?  It was just a closet full of wasted space and now it has a place for everything!
Rock On! This project cost $30.

Is this something you could use in your home?  I ended up putting those 3M Christmas stocking hooks on the door for the kids to put backpacks and hoodies. It is great!

Dinner Tonight: Baked BBQ Chicken with Iceberg Slaw


  1. LOVE IT! Great idea and great execution!

  2. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blogs! They are so funny, so real, so you!!! Thanks for all the ideas and for sharing!

  3. Kara Marshall (from facebook)1/4/11, 2:09 PM

    Good Job!!

  4. When are you coming to nest in my house?
