16. Dentist, 10. Planetarium

This morning we piled into the car before school started and headed out to the Dentist.
We had the 8, 9, 10, and 11am appointment.

 Everyone did a fabulous job AND...

 All 4 of my Little Witte's with teeth, are cavity FREE! STILL!

To celebrate, we went to one of my favorites for Brunch.

Mmm the BBF Sandwich!

It was DELISH!

Then for one of Nathan's school assignments, we went to the Planetarium.

The kids loved the planetarium.  There was so much for them to do!

So much more fun than the time I went with Ryan and Veronica. Hahahaha.

We went in and watched the show under the dome. 
The kids loved that. Then we went out to walk the campus.

The kids thought it was so cool that I went here. I showed them a few of my favorite spots and we ran into Prof. Cox, an English Prof. I had a million years ago. It was fun to see his reaction to my 5 kids. :)

Then we took the kids to Glacier's.
Cherry Gelato, Chocolate Gelato, and Oreo Caramel Gelato.

By this point, Mason was totally done.

Bye, Bye, Boulder!


  1. OMG! You are looking SO skinny!

  2. What a great shot of the Flatirons. Makes me miss Colorado like CRAZY!!!
