23. Punkin Chuckin!

I have always wanted to go watch Denver's Punkin Chuckin event, but we were never able to make it work.

We headed out at made great time, and actually parked next to the Berry's! Weird!

Anyway, it was only 48 degrees, but that didn't stop us.

Not even Mason!

Juliet is in this "fun" stage where she doesn't want to be in the stroller, she doesn't want to walk, she just wants to explore. Example:

She fell right through the gate, it was sooooo fun chasing after her today! (sarcastic)

The kids made Marshmallow Shooters:

 Mason was just happy to be outside.

Then it was time for Pumpkin Rolling:

Juliet ran over to the dogs while this was happening.

Each kid picked out a prize for playing the games. Scarlett picked candy, Lucas picked a whistle, and Bridget dug and dug and found a "diamond ring." She never took it off.

We walked over to the cannons that were shooting pumpkins.
Some went past 300 feet!
It was awesome!

Then we found the kid catapult.

Only, it didn't shoot kids (darnit!) it shot mini pumpkins!

Can you see Bridget's ring? (above)

See it still?
It was getting colder, and darker, but Lucas really wanted to do the zip line.
So we waited in line and he went!

As soon as he hit the ground, it started to rain. 
As in - run to your car - rain!
Believe it or not, this was only 12pm!

The kids were disappointed that we didn't get any food at the Festival, so I told them we would have Festival food for dinner.

The kids enjoyed launching legos, while I got to work.

Then it was Festival food #1
Mozzarella Sticks!
But I wrapped them in Wonton wrappers and added basil and salt to the interior.
I baked them too.

Then we had Chicken Wings for dinner.
For dessert we had Caramel Apples (little kid style)

We stuffed ourselves silly!
Then we thought - hey! lets add salt!

We also tried Ritz crackers, but in the end...apples won!

I love when we are out and about.
It was a fun day, and I am wiped out!

Oh, and here is Bridget's "diamond ring."

She was telling Nathan how she will never take it off, even sleep like this ^^^ if she had to. Haha.

1 comment:

  1. Olivia is at that fun stage too. Don't you just love chasing them around? Olivia throws a fit if I try to tell her where to go or what to do! I have quite the deva on my hands! You do the most fun things with your kids! Jealous!
