28. Visit a Pet Shop

For those who know and love Bridget, you know what a HUGE step this was for her.

We took the kids to the Pet Store for a Free Field Trip.
I called ahead to make sure it was okay and they said absolutely!

Juliet jumped at the chance to see a doh-ghee!

Bridget tried to pet them, and Scarlett was so sweet with them.

The owner gave the kids a lesson on how to take care of pets, how to feed them, and gave them a tour of the pet shop. We made sure to get there at feeding time.

We put Mason right up to the cages for him to experience them too!

The girls spotted Charlie the Ranch Dog!

The kids were able to pet and love on each animal. Juliet did not like the Rats.

But she did love those Dogs!

The owner was so nice and taught the kids about safety too.
Lucky for me, no one even asked if they could have one.
Dogs and Cats and pets in general are fun to look at, but not to have. (In our house)


Those puppies loved a certain 9 month old's toes...

He didn't mind one bit!

Lucas joked that if we had a pet our house would look like this...

Bridget was scared, but eventually warmed up.

Baby Steps...



We were there for a little over 2 hours and the kids were talking about it all night!
I guess we will have to do it again! :D

1 comment:

  1. I totally go to that pet store and play with the puppies all the time! It's awesome being old enough to hold them ;)
