
This was on our list for October. There were a few other things but, we had to cancel them due to croup. My kids don't get ear infections, strep, colds, or the flu, but - they DO get croup.

We have been in the house for the past several days.
We even went to church for the primary program, but it went downhill fast.
We didn't even make it to Noah's birthday because of the sickness.

I hate croup.
I feel like a failure because there is nothing to give them.
We tried the onion trick, and it worked! Everyone is better and back to school today.
A few days ago we enjoyed the leaves.

So, here is the obligatory leaves post.

I asked Nathan to rake a fun path for the kids to run in.

 They loved it!
I think we are going to do this again when it snows!

Then, the six year old made it clear we were out there to jump, so he started to rake a heap.

Mason was so into the leaves. He loves to be outside so it is really no surprise,
 he would love to be in the action.

Off he goes!

Juliet thinks she is a big kid.

Our tree is one of the last ones on the street to lose it's leaves.

It is also one of the biggest producers of leaves.

See? It is still not even CLOSE to being done!

Sometimes I wonder how I agreed to marry this fashion forward man. LOL

Time to JUMP!

Time to Throw!

Look at me!

Aww, Thanks Scarlett!

Juliet decided she was done, so Lucas told everyone it was time to clean up.

And clean up we did.
Until next week when we have to do it again, because there is still a bazillion leaves still on the tree.


  1. It worked?? Woohoo!!! I'm so glad! :)

    I LOVE leaf pictures! A couple of yours look like an idea I had for taking some pics of my own kids... now I just need to get out and do it. ;) Happy Halloween!

  2. Those are great pictures. They all made me smile!! :)

  3. I love it! I hate that they are getting SOOO big though :-(
