7. Bike Rodeo

Lucas's school has been working on bike safety all month. All week they have been handing out stickers and tickets to those kids who walk or ride their bikes to school. They have a raffle each day with the tickets.  Lucas has been so excited to get to school, but he has been annoyed at the people who get dropped off (in a car) at the opening, and lie about walking to school. He says just about everyday, that it defeats the purpose of this special week if you cheat. All of his journals at school this week have been about it and his teacher called me about how proud she is that he is so honest. 

Today was the Bike Rodeo!

Here is how I got us all there, (because I was trying to figure it all out logistically all morning)
I had Mason in the backpack, pushed Lucas's bike and helmet, and carried Scarlett's scooter.
Bridget rode her bike and Scarlett pushed Juliet in the stroller.
I will add that she cried the entire way there because she wanted to ride her scooter instead of help. I will also add that she is 3. When people were looking at me I just said "She is 3" and all the moms smiled and got it. Hahahahaha.

Once we got there, they told the kids that they had bikes and that you could not ride your own bike at the rodeo. That is not what the flyer said, but oh well. The kids were bummed until I said "but now you get to ride home from school!" *whew* dodged that bullet! :)

 Mason making sure Scarlett's helmet was on correctly.

This chick was from Bicycle Colorado. She was making sure they knew their signals.

Here is Scarlett and her scooter. This is part of the obstacle course.

This bike had handle breaks. Lucas has decided that his next bike will have these.
He wants to go mountain biking with Nathan this summer.
He also wants to go spelunking with Nathan this summer too.

Have I mentioned that I love how active these kids are? They just love to be outside, doing.

Lucas with Mr. F and Mr. H. They were cheering him on. He totally loved that.
He also loved that they were cheering on his sisters by saying "go Lucas's sister!" hahaha.

They went through, and then waited in line.

Lucas couldn't just stand there, so he was dancing and waiting.

Everytime Mason got scared he would hold on to the stroller.

It was so cute.

Scarlett isn't as good on a two wheeler and the older 2.
They put her on a stupid balance bike and she hated it.

Bridget is naturally athletic.
One time and she just gets it.
Here she is beating a 4th grader:

Mason said it was time to go. We were there for over an hour. (his shirt says: Daddy's on my Pit Crew...fitting for today huh?)

We headed home and Juliet kept saying "bike, bike"

So, I let her ride hers when we got home.

and then it happened.
I was making dinner and Lucas shouted "Juliet is covered in yellow powder!"
I ran upstairs and caught her red handed!

well, yellow handed.
She brought Mason's LAST formula container upstairs and was chowing down.
This has never happened to me.
In all my kids, I have never had one eat DRY formula!

It was crusted to her whole outfit.
Guess he will be off formula sooner that we thought, because I am NOT going to buy anymore!

It was a fun day! Nathan was sad he missed it! He rarely misses this sort of thing, but he had some meeting today he couldn't get out of. :)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like they all had fun...and Juliet got a fun treat in the end. Ha.
