14. Meatless Monday/Mystery Dinner

Meatless Monday/Mystery Dinner
I put a bunch of ingredients on several pieces of paper.
The kids drew what we were having:

Spinach, Garlic, Mushroom, Pineapple.
We talked about what we could have and then we made quesadillas.

The kids LOVE peeling garlic. They love eating garlic too, so it was a win win!

I sauteed the mushrooms and garlic.
I sauteed the spinach.
I love how 2 lbs of spinach shrinks so much!

Mason was ready to eat!

Each kid assembled their own dinner. This is always a hit in my house!

Nathan pulled out the griddle and started cooking dinner on that.

I need to add that Lucas was not happy that I only had Hello Kitty bandaids left. He got a huge splinter in his finger and it was a bloddy mess. I told him real men wear pink, but he didn't buy that.


My Bridget loves Spinach.


JuJu loves Spinach too!

They were delicious, and the kids asked if we could do it again!

The kids were proud of their choices. (We had pineapples as a side)

It was fun not knowing what exactly we were going to make.
The kids liked building their own dinners, and almost no clean up.
(Thanks to Mason cleaning up the crumbs under the table)

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to have to try this. Did you plan on everything going into quesadillas?
