4 to 1

Well - I survived. I totally made a bigger deal than I needed to. As usual. 

The day started out great. I got a shower in at 6:45 the kids woke up at 7:15.

Nathan did breakfast while I got ready. So nice to blow dry your hair without kids by your feet.

Nathan left, I did 3 loads of laundry.  We played a few games and followed our normal schedule.

I was changing Juliet's diaper and Scarlett was loving on her so I left them on the floor to play while I ran upstairs to grab something...then I hear - "Ucky! Black on my fingers"  Yea - Scarlett pulled off the umbilical cord stump. Luckily it was just hanging by a string but still - gross!  I will have to write about Lucas's stump/circumcision ring story sometime - it will make you laugh literally out loud.
here she is - I wish she would keep this stormy eye color - I give it a week tops before they turn brown.

Angie came to visit - I miss her. :( I guess it was important for her husband to be called to Bishop of the new ward...whatever.

I took Bridget to TotSchool and was 5 minutes early...which is my norm.

I went to Walmart with the other 3 and then came home and had lunch.

Picked up Bridget from school and had everyone down for nap by 12:45.

During nap I was able to get more laundry done, and in the bottom of the hamper I found this...
I about died.  Why is Scarlett losing hair? What did they do just brush and brush until they found scalp?  I then go into Scarlett's room where she is taking a nap and see waffle/cookie baby on the floor with freshly brushed hair...

After nap we went outside to test some 3D sidewalk chalk ...
It has been in the high 50s for the past few days - LOVELY!
I even tried the chalk!
4 eyes literally! Haha

We went in to dance and be crazy and then we had breakfast for dinner (eggs)
where we made this with it...
Thank you Picky Palate!

After dinner we gave Juliet her first bath, she totally slept through it...
She is just so mellow!

The kids are currently playing hide and seek with Nathan before bed and all I can hear is Screaming followed by Laughter.  It is so funny to just sit back and listen to them all play together. :)

All in all it was a pretty normal day. I am a little sore from carrying baskets I am not supposed to be carrying up the stairs that are forbidden for the next few days.  But other than that - it was pretty chill.


  1. I LOVE your blog posts! So cute! I just saw that post by picky palate this morning, can't wait to try it! She is adorable! And her eyes are beauitful!!! Hope you recover fast, sounds like you are already ahead of schedule:)

  2. Linsdey BD Twin!!! (from facebook)3/2/11, 7:43 AM

    Since you told on yourself... Put down the baskets!!!! That's how things get adhered to things inside your body.

    Oh and by the way you do make beautiful babies and yes I found that weird. But I'm a middle school boy and the phrase "make babies" makes me squirm no matter who is saying it, haha. :)

  3. I agree put down the baskets.
