Baby Cakes is 2!!

MY sweet little Scarlett turned 2 today!  I can't believe she is FINALLY 2.  Practically an old lady!
This chick is 2.  She is my "I only wear dresses on Sunday" kind of girl.
Puppies are her favorite.
*All about Scarlett*

Age* 1 year 24 pounds, 34 inches 

Age* 2 years 33 pounds 37 inches 

Foods she liked at 1* Toast, Yougurt, Green Beans, Chicken and anything dipped!
Foods she likes at 2* She loves pasta, Chicken,  Peanut Butter, Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes, Chili
Least favorite foods* Kielbasa (still), Milk
Scarlett's 1st Birthday
Favorite dessert* "o-e-o" (Oreo)

Favorite toys* Dolly, her baby doll.  ALL stuffed animals but especially kitties and doggies.  She loves furry things.  She is also afraid of ZhuZhu Pets. Haha.

18 months
What she's good at* Talking, she is very clear and has a HUGE vocabulary.  She is also very compassionate and loves to cuddle and hug.

Favorite activities* Playing Kitchen, Playing with her pets and Coloring.

Things she's afraid of* Being in a closed door room and ZhuZhu pets

19 months
Something Mommy loves about Scarlett* She is so willing to help out and a great listener.  She wants to do things by herself and yet at the same time wants to be cuddled and have things done for her.  She will let me do her hair and keep it in until her head hits the pillow at naptime and then - she pulls "hairs are out" and then laughs about it.  Scarlett has the best and most fun personality at this age.  She is a great addition to the family and is her own person with her own path.
Something Daddy loves about Scarlett* She is my child. She wants me and loves me and still lights up when I come home.  She is so smart and impresses me everyday with the things she knows. She knows her whole alphabet and knows S is for Scarlett.  When she is sad she will just climb up next to you (while crying) state her case "I got it firsss" (I got it first) or "He touchin-ing me" (He touched me) and once I talk her through it she calms down all by herself.Something Lucas loves about Scarlett* She looks like me and plays with me and has a funny laugh.  She has soft skin too.
Something Bridget loves about Scarlett* She stays up at night and talks to me.  She let me have a purple room.
Something Juliet loves about Scarlett* She only waves and says hi, she leaves me alone and I like it.
She does this goofy smile thing, but I LOVE IT.
This is her favorite shirt.
She has this awesome crazy wild hair and it is so hard to keep it cute - but when its done it just adds to her cuteness.
We love you Scare-Bear, Scarrrr, Scarley, Sweetie Pie and Baby Cakes.
She has grown so much and if you look at her GIANT hands she is going to be a tall one.  She is a great little person and told us this morning she is ready to be diaper free for real.  She is great at going on command, and will hold it all day.  I am feeling well enough to do it, except her canines are coming in which means MESSY BMs - once she over the teething poops she will be ready to potty train...I bet a week or so and we will be there!  

Happy Birthday Sweetie.  You make my days full of sunshine and joy and know what love is all about.  Thank you for picking us to be your parents! :)


  1. She is so cute. I can't believe she's two already! Good luck with the whole potty training thing:)

  2. She's precious! And Liberty wore that EXACT same outfit yesterday. :)
