Fighting the Inevitable

A conversation I have had with each child in this house:

Kid - But Mommy I am not tired. But Mommy, I don't need a nap.
Mom - You are tired and you will take a nap.
Kid - Can I just sit with you for a few minutes?
Mom - Yes, but you will fall asleep.
Kid -No I won't I am not tired.
Mom - (Turning the TV to Martha Stewart) Okay lets watch this show together...
Kid - Before the first commercial break:
Mom - Yea that's what I thought.

PS - Your welcome for the eyelashes!
And yes Lindsey - I rub and kiss each of those chins every night! :D

Also - this is why I still have 4 kids who nap 2+ hours a day...I MAKE THEM! Haha


  1. I totally agree! I too make my boys nap, well Corin has rest time because nap time is for babies, according to him. He has to stay in his room (I do 2hrs as well) and can read books or do puzzles. He usually doesn't sleep, but I MUST have quiet time! I still have to cuddle Declan to sleep, but with Corin in his room, there is less distractions for him.

  2. Erin Perez (from facebook)3/18/11, 9:58 PM

    That's awesome. Neither of mine take naps regularly anymore. I can't complain though they sleep from 7:30 until 7:00.

  3. Mandy Heavener (from facebook)3/18/11, 9:58 PM

    Cameron is 6 and still naps almost every day for at least an hour!! Love it
