Fun Friday with Liz

Nathan decided that he was going to work from home so he could spend some quality time with his one and only sister.  He decided this at 7am when he should have been dressed and out the door. Haha.

So I decided to take the girls out for a girls day - leaving Juliet and Lucas home with Nathan since Lucas had school today.  The girls were very excited about 3 things 
1) spring clothes
2) spring shoes
3) no Lucas!
More because he got to go out on a date and they didn't!  I told them we needed to go to Babies R Us and then out to a special Lunch.  At BRU Bridget turns around and screams "Liz!" I didn't even tell her she was coming to the store! She was so excited and ran up to her and gave her a HUGE HUG!  We then went to Mr. Goodsense.  Its an Arvada MUST!
Scarlett wolfed her entire lunch in 5 minutes flat!
Then we came home for naps (because its important to me) and we chatted with Nathan and Liz got some uninterrupted Juliet time...
Then Liz and I picked up Lucas from school.  He was the last kid picked up and was SO EXCITED to see Auntie Liz.  He showed her his class and the playground and talked her ear off.
Then we pulled up to the Bigelow's at our house delivering the RS service project cases. Yes!
Lucas was DYING to show Liz his bike skills so we rode to the Hibbards to pick up more cases from Gwen!
Liz taught Lucas how to ride safely on the sidewalks and he was a little scared about the curbs but he did it!
After a long period of bike riding and sitting in the stroller -
 we came in to play our favorite Wii game...
We played a few more games and took silly pictures to send to Uncle Cory.
While we were deciding where to go for dinner the kids quietly played together in the car.
Then we repositioned everyone and rebuckled the kids and headed to a Cherry Creek must
 (according to everyone on Food Network and Travel Channel and any "local")
While we were waiting (1 hour wait for friday night)
We went across the street to an awesome furniture gallery
I love places like this
I love to look at cool stuff and furniture and fun!
This was my favorite piece there. It was a leather detailing on a mirrored faced dresser.  Ignore my huge pants in the reflection...nothing fits right now...which is a good thing. :)
We went inside and the kids had fun. It was loud but a great atmosphere. The kids were awesomely behaved.
Bridget "stuffing" so early...haha Just Kidding.
Scarlett was flirting with those around her just like Bridget. She does NOT get this from me.
Liz had the Shrimp POBoy Nathan had the Philly cheesesteak and I had the Alice Sprigs.
DELICIOUS. Seriously great prices, great food and great fries! YUM-O
We came home and had good bye hugs...
and good bye laughs...
The kids love Auntie Liz so much. They missed Uncle Cory a lot.
Lucas told Auntie Liz he was going to miss her like 3 times before he realized she was going to be here for 2 more FULL days! Haha.

Nathan had a great time with his sister as did I.
 She is a great sport and is a great Auntie.
How many more times can I say great in this post? GREAT GREAT GREAT! :P
Tomorrow - Saturday photo MAYHEM!!!
I gotta go charge all 3 batteries!

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