Another Witte Event -

Watch out there are a ton this week and next because Nathan's brother is leaving for his mission, Juliet is getting blessed and wait for it...a family picture of ALL the Witte's!

Here is the last one... November 2005
Ben was in Brazil. Top: Jared, Liz and Cory, Alex on shoulders, Chris then Spencer, Cindy and Gary.
Bottom: Nathan and Valerie (I didn't know I was pregnant with Lucas yet), 
Veronica and Ryan and Noah (almost a month old)

Weird how time flies.

Anyway. Tonight was my sweet nephew Elijah's (Ryan and Veronica's 2nd) 3rd Birthday!
He is such a funny little man.
Veronica made these cute cupcakes...
It was cute too because he was so excited he blew the candles out so fast we weren't even done with the song!
Bridget couldn't wait to dig in!
I could tell Sydney wanted some!
Veronica's mom Lue took care of lil' JuJu
She was like this most of the time.
Elijah got some cool toys and then we all hung out and talked and played for a little while.
I am determined to get Sydney smiling.
She always has this funny face when the camera comes out. She is so sweet too.
One day she will let me hold her too.  I just know it!

It was fun to get everyone together and there will be more opportunities this week as Chris prepares to leave.
I am glad we have family close. With kids close in age. Its the best!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it! I miss everyone, I am so excited to get there, counting down.
