Easter Prep

I always try to find an easter egg kit that we haven't tried. I saw this one and thought, let's try it!

So, after dinner (last night) we colored eggs.

This kit came with these cups. They seemed like a good idea in theory. BUT they make a mess if you spill.
We learned this about 3x.

I love how much they look alike. These kids are getting too big for my liking. :)

They really had a great time.
So did Jules.

So, I decided to add to the fun.

We Q-Tip painted with white paint to "enhance" our eggs.
You know, fancy them up. :)

This one ^is mine^

They are going to look so awesome on the table on Sunday.

Then we had sugar cookies to decorate.

It just isn't Easter without sugar cookies.

I know I am weird and like them plain.
A little crispy on the bottom and soft on the top. 


A good sugar cookie does not need frosting. :)

It was a fun Easter Family Night, including a lesson where Bridget asked if Jesus was sprinkled in Oregano. In which she then added "I hope they didn't sprinkle him in Oregano, because Oregano stinks."


1 comment:

  1. You seriously are the coolest mom! What lucky kids to be born into your family!
