4 months old!

Time seems to go so fast, but lucky for us with Mason...it is really s l o w.
 Even though he is 4 months old, developmentally he is "2 months."\
His Physical Therapist, Kit teases him all the time because his long eyelashes were wasted on a boy, and that he is fixing his tightness without her.

He has a right side preference, usually.
He looks to the right, he uses his right leg to kick when he gets excited, and he only uses his right hand.

When she comes - he uses both equally. Haha.
Also, his web surgery was cancelled on a count of - he fixed his issue himself!

He is eating 5 oz every 4 hours, and sleeps 8 hours at night. The trick is getting him down late enough so we aren't waking up at 4 to feed him. 9pm is too early. ALSO he is 13.4 pounds.

The children adore him. How could they not? He sleeps all day and all night, and when he is awake he just watches...and never blinks. Hahaha.

Except for Bridget. She can get him to smile. Juliet usually provokes this face...

She has started calling him "Mi-mo" so that is a name we all have stuck too.
Or Mini Witte, or Macers

I really should have fed him before I took pictures of him. He was starting to get hungry...

Yup, he needs to eat now!

Gotta run.

For grins and giggles....

I think Mason looks JUST like his big brother.

A more accurate view of them at 2 months...HERE
He favors Scarlett in the 2 month pics.

What do you think?


  1. He is such a cutie! I'd much rather have Owen down at 7:30pm and get up for the 4am feeding just so I can have those few hours of total kid-free time. The other night, he slept clear to 6:40am, so I'm thinking it'll be here before I know it. :) For now, I'll take the one feeding, still. He just switched to the every four hour eating schedule, and usually when my kids do that, they're close to the 12 hour stretch of sleeping.

  2. So, Mason's eating 5 oz. every 4 hours - is that 5 times a day? I like comparing notes with you, too, so I can sort of see how Owen's doing. He was on that 3 hour schedule, which I hated, and within the past week switched to 5-6 oz. every 4 hours, five times a day. I'm hoping when we up the intake of ounces a bit more, he'll nix that fifth (4am!) feeding. I was really hoping when he slept through the night the other night that that was the first of many. Do you think he could be getting up because he's not so good at putting himself back to sleep? Sometimes when I go get him when he wakes up, he's half out of his very tight swaddle. He doesn't nap well at all (catnaps) and I'm wondering when that will go away or if there's something I need to do to aid that along. Suggestions? Again, your baby is ADORABLE. I love those eyes! And those cheekies! :) I can't believe he's four months old, already! Crazy.
